Vivian Smotherman brings to SD6 proven leadership skills honed through 35 years of education, work, and travel across the globe. As a sailor, a farmer, a teacher, an oil field worker, and a non-profit organizer and volunteer, Vivian has led a life where her ability to bring divergent visions together has served to meet the needs of the group rather than just that of one faction or person. Add her formal education in both History and Anthropology and you have a woman capable of bringing all these talents to bear to find the common ground necessary to forge alliances that overcome the divisiveness that is tearing our country apart. Whether working alongside English, Romanian, or Brazilian crews, Vivian has proven herself capable of stepping into the lion’s den, surrounded by enemies, only to walk out a respected leader with the trust of those she serves.
Today, as we approach another vital election for the future of our nation, Vivian is prepared to commit her unique set of skills to serve all of Colorado. Southwest Colorado, with its mix of mountains, deserts, agriculture, tourism, indigenous and Hispanic cultures, oil, gas, and mining is a dynamic area rich with challenges and opportunities. For a representative of this diverse landscape to properly serve their community, they must have an equally diverse background informing their perspective and helping them see problems from a variety of viewpoints. To simply say “I’ve lived here all my life” is not enough, we need representation with broader vision, greater compassion, and deeper understanding. Qualities that only come from a lifetime of exposure to, and interaction with, the world at large. Vivian has this unique background.

More about Vivian...
Vivian's Farm in Texas
"Farm-1-1 is a farmer assistance program based near Cedar Creek in Bastrop County that started two years ago after flooding left many area farmers with downed fences and wind-torn buildings. Directors (and farmers) Vivian and JoAnn Smotherman have since organized a network of farmers to help one another when emergencies like this strike.
Farm-1-1 is a farmer assistance program based near Cedar Creek in Bastrop County that started two years ago after flooding left many area farmers with downed fences and wind-torn buildings. Directors (and farmers) Vivian and JoAnn Smotherman have since organized a network of farmers to help one another when emergencies like this strike."